1st EP Staff Training course for nurses and allied prefessions was held in Zagreb from February 28th till March 1st 2020, in Zagreb. The course was organized by Croatian Association of Cardiology Nurses, with support of Croatian Cardiac Society. The course director was our Head tehnician od Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Department – Ivica Benko, who is also a Chairman of the Working Group of Invasive and Interventional Cardiology and Working Group of Arrhythmia of the Croatian Association of Cardiac Nurses.
This 3-day course was designed for nurses and allied professions in invasive cardiac electrophysiology and covers all the necessary topics for two purposes – to supplement a new staff member’s orientation into the EP Lab and to provide additional knowledge on specific topics to current EP Staff.
Croatian Association of Cardiac Nurses
The symposium was attended by more than 70 participants from 19 EP Centers in region – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia. More than 20 lectures and case report were held in 3 days.