University Hospital Centre Sisters of Mercy Zagreb

    Clinic for Cardiovascular Medicine

    Welcome to Aritmije KBCSM`s Web site.

    Center for Arrhythmia and Cardiac Pacing of the University Hospital Centre Sisters of Mercy is the referal center of the Croatian Ministry of Health and the European Heart Rhythm Association recognized training center.



    New technologies for the end of 2020

    This is the second cryoablation system for pulmonary vein isolation available at our Center that allows successful treatment of atrial fibrillation.

    Rhythmia HDx 3D mapping system - a new therapeutic option in our institution

    . This the third mapping system in our center that further improves mapping and ablation of most complex heart rhythm disorders.

    Leadless pacemaker implant program in our center

    Successful transcatheter implants of Micra leadless pacemaker at our center.

    New advances in performing procedures without the use of fluoroscopy

    This module enables us to significantly reduce/eliminate the use of fluoroscopy during EP procedures.

    3rd Zagreb EHRA Collaborative Course Cancelled

    Due to the new situation with the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the course is delayed until further notice

    EP Staff Zagreb 2020 – training course for nurses and allied prefessions

    1st EP Staff Training course for nurses and allied prefessions was held in Zagreb from February 28th till March 1st 2020, in Zagreb.

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    Training center.

    We are proud for traning numerous doctors and nurses from Croatia and the region. Through continuous work and education, we provide the best possible care to our patients with heart rhythm disorders.

    Dr. Jane Taleski, shares his two weeks experience of EHRA Observational Training Programme in Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre.


    1st electrophysiology study in University Hospital Center Sestre Milosrdnice


    1st radiofrequency ablation in University Hospital Center Sestre Milosrdnice

    + 1000

    more than 1000 invasive procedures per year